Giedra: Here are my questions, as someone who never studied philosophy: What misconceptions do decently educated people have about philosophy/particular lines of philosophical thought/particular philosophers? What aspects of philosophy, if any, do you wish were more widely known/understood, and why? What are the differences/similarities between philosophy and theology?
Sarah: How can I get my mom to remember that her great-grandson’s name is that–Soren–and not Borst?
Jerri: I would like to hear your thoughts about why American culture vilifies intelligence and critical thinking.
Grace: What about Germany? How did it shape you, what reminds you of it, what was it like growing up there? Also: Existentialism vs Nihilism? Why does wandering make you feel less lost?
Melissa: How do you make bread from scratch?
Ben: Is there a correlation between Western society’s increased individualism, And their decreased threshold for discomfort, pain and suffering?
Ben: Is there a correlation between Western society’s increased individualism, And their decreased threshold for discomfort, pain and suffering?
Abby: What’s for dinner when your fridge currently holds eggs, bacon, zucchini, and three kinds of cheese (and the zucchini needs to be used or tossed)?
Emilee: Why should humans be good?