Abby the Spoon Lady

I have no remarkable dexterity–in fact, a history of nerve and other damage to my left arm has left me with little dexterity at all.
I have no remarkable skills–nothing much to show for the last chunk of century.
I have no remarkable musical talent–a good ear and a passable voice that can follow the ear.

I do recognize musical talent, and there is a whole lot of it around me here–maybe there is a lot of music everywhere, maybe all around us, and we should drink our full of it every second.
I do recognize beauty, and Abby the Spoon Lady combines dexterity, skill and music in a way I have never seen before; each time I see her, I sit on the sidewalk amazed, fascinated, unable to tear my eyes from the dancing, flying spoons.
Then, she will always look over at me and grin a knowing grin.

This one just makes me want to ride the rails.



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